While the golf courses on a golf trip to Asia are usually top quality, kept in immaculate condition, and offer an excellent round of golf, the actual round of golf is just part of the overall experience. With excellent club houses, 5-star hotel quality locker rooms, fine dining restaurants and world-class practice facilities, a simple round of golf can really turn into a full day experience at the golf course. From Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar, golf courses in each country strive to provide a great all-around experience. But what can a golfer really expect to see, experience and enjoy while at the course? We are here to give you some more information to that.
The golfer’s arrival at the golf course is the start of what will be an enjoyable and memorable experience. The van will pull up to the front of the club house, where there will be a plethora of excited caddies dressed in their course-specific uniform waiting to greet each golfer as they alight from the van. The caddies and the golf staff will take care of the golf bag, so golfers aren’t doing any heavy lifting. Golfers simply need to head into the club house and make their way to the pro-shop if they want to get a few last minute items for the round, or head to the locker rooms to get suited-and-booted for the coming round of golf. As for the golf bag, it’ll be outside near the putting green waiting for you to head off to the tee.
Most courses will have a driving range, and the caddies can take you there once you meet them at your golf bag. Range balls are normally not included, and balls can usually be purchased in the pro-shop. The courses will also have chipping and putting greens where you can spend some time getting used to the green speed and the sand depth before heading off on your round.

Locker Rooms & Pro-shop
Each and every course in the region will have locker rooms and a pro-shop. All golfers have access to the locker rooms to store a change of clothes, change of shoes and any other personal items. All of these come with a unique key or electronic card which will ensure the safety of any items put in the locker. The courses also provide a towel for a post-round shower (which is recommended after a round under the sun!) and a plastic bag which you can put your clothes in after the round. The locker rooms will also have items for use such as powder, cotton buds, hair gel and hair dryers. The showers will be complete with soap and shampoo, so no need to bring your own. Most golf courses will also have a shoe-washing service, so if you fancy getting those spikes sparkling, the locker room team will do it for a small tip.
The pro-shops are also very good. They will have most brand names, as well as all items from shirts to golf balls to gloves, and everything in between. Many golfers like to collect souvenirs from the various courses they play, and these pro-shops will have logo balls, logo shirts, logo hats and more, so you can take something home to remember the trip by.

While Golfing
When out on the course, golf is golf. However, there are a few differences from what most European, North American, Australian or Kiwi golfers would have back home. For starters – the caddie. Caddies are mandatory in Asia, however you will quickly find they are a great asset to have. The greens are very tricky to read, but these caddies are able to spot all the nuances on the greens and give you a good line to go by. They also give great advice when it comes to where to aim and play to when making your way to the greens. The caddies help with picking the clubs, cleaning your ball, driving the golf cart or pulling your golf bag, and are a great laugh and good fun to chat with. Most caddies are female, however there are some male caddies also. They may not always have excellent English, but they are there to help and add to what is a more enjoyable day.
Another difference is the abundance of drink and snack huts around the courses. They usually come around every 3 holes, and are stocked with water, beer, soft drinks and even some hot food depending on the courses. Due to the heat and humidity, it is important to stay hydrated so we recommend buying a bottle of water when you go through the hut to ensure the sun doesn’t get the best of you!

After Golf
After golf, the caddie will either drop your bag back at the van, or at the pro-shop and your driver will pick the bags up from there. It is good to note down the number plate on your van, so when the caddie is taking you to the van it can be easily spotted. Tips for caddies are the norm, and a normal tip is around 15 USD per caddie per round, or the equivalent in the local currency. Tips are given at the end of the round so after confirming all clubs are in the golf bag and the bag is at the drop off point or in the van, the tip can be given.
From there, a cool shower awaits in the golf courses’ excellent locker room facilities. The day doesn’t end there however. The golf courses have excellent restaurants, with both international and local cuisine on offer, usually at decent prices. Don’t feel the need to rush back to town if you wish to spend some time enjoying a chat and a meal at the course after the round, as the driver will wait until you’re ready to head back to your hotel.

All-in-all, golf is a fantastic day out in Asia, and apart from all the excellent sites, options and experiences the region has to offer in addition to golf, the daily golf experience will definitely be something that any golfer will remember forever. Have you had a great golf experience in Asia? We would love to hear about it! Share it with us on our social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.